Buy and Sell Silver Australlian Kookaburra
Are you looking to buy or sell Australlian Kookaburras? Houston Coin Buyer buys silver coins from all around the world. The Kookaburra is one of the major silver bullion coin to change its design yearly. It has been issued in four popular sizes, 1oz., 2oz., 10oz. and kilo (32.5 oz.) through the Perth Mint. The official bullion 1 oz series started in 1990. Many variations exist with extra stamps or seals issued for special occasions & coin shows. The mirrored proof design of one year (issued from 1990 to 2005) became the model for the frosted uncirculated, or a Specimen of the next. Gold plated specimens have been mint issued since 2004.
Are you looking to sell silver Australian Kookaburra in Houston Texas? You’ve come to the right place.
Sell Your Silver Coins in Houston Texas Greater Area. We also buy and sell silver coins in Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, McAllen, and El Campo Texas.
We want to talk to you Today! Come see us and let us make you an offer.
Houston 713-521-1748 – Toll Free 1-800-807-0699.

1330 Westheimer Rd #2 – Houston, TX 77006
713-521-1748 – 1-800-807-0699
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